#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 13th January 2006 === ==== Psst, Anyone Want a Ticket for the Derby? ==== Turns out the brother-in-law doesn't want the derby ticket, so I've been trying to get rid of it. Nobody seems interested. £36.50 for a football match is a bit much I suppose, especially if you're not a "hardcore" fan. ==== MCIVTA ==== Seems I wasn't the only one thinking there were too many stats in MCIVTA recently, judging by the spoof stats article in [[SHP:mcivta/11/89.html|MCIVTA 1189]]. ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Prereq` to 1.030 * Updated `perl-HTML-!SimpleLinkExtor` to 1.12 A curiosity for `perl-Test-Prereq` is that I can only get it to build on Fedora Core 2 if I use the root account - the test suite calls up CPAN and it wants to access `/root/.cpan`, which only root can do. I'm not seeing this issue on Red Hat 9, any other Fedora Core, or Red Hat Enterprise 3/4. Wierd. Perhaps I'm missing a build requirement? I also got fed up of the changelog in Brian's perl packages always being one version behind - it's clearly an issue with his release process. So I raised [[http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=17045|CPAN RT#17045]] about it. ----