
Friday 24th February 2006

Local Packages

I've released some of the wiki stuff I've been playing with. No guarantees that anything will work reliably but it works for me.

  • moin package updated to provide a moin-fastcgi subpackage, which includes an initscript to start moin wiki instances as external FastCGI applications

  • mod_fastcgi package released (required by moin-fastcgi)

  • moin-theme-balanced, moin-theme-hypermodern, moin-theme-mentalhealth, moin-theme-monobook, and moin-theme-monomoin released as sample rpm-packaged moin themes (see ThemeMarket for theme details)

The FastCGI packages are currently designed only for the Apache web server, though it should be possible to tweak them for other web servers.


Default theme changed to monobook.
