
Monday 27th March 2006


Leon's growing quickly and will be too big for his car seat soon. Bought a Group 1-3 seat (Britax Evolva 123 Ultra), which will hopefully last many years.

Old Car Seat

New Car Seat




RahulSundaram linked to YumRepoFromImages from Bugs/FC5Common so it's getting quite a lot of hits. I updated it to include how to use CD ISO images in Fedora Core 5.

Updated the moin software to 1.5.3-rc1. Post-rpm-upgrade migration was as follows:

# cd /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/script/old/migration
# runuser -s /bin/sh -c "python /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MoinMoin/script/old/migration/ /var/www/tips/data" apache
1 data_dirs successfully migrated, 0 warnings, 0 errors.
# runuser -s /bin/sh -c "moin --config-dir=/var/www/tips/cgi-bin migration data" apache
Calling migration script for /var/www/tips/data, base revision 1050300
Returned. New rev is 1050301.
Calling migration script for /var/www/tips/data, base revision 1050301
Final mig script reached, migration is complete.

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder to 0.18

  • Updated perl-Net-Server to 0.93

  • I built a new moin package for 1.5.3-rc1 but I'm only putting the source package on the site for now so as not to mess up anyone's server if it's a mess

Fedora Core 5

Raised Bug #186915 regarding SELinux context mount options.
