#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 18th April 2006 === ==== PPTP Client Project ==== Moved `pptpconfig` dependency packages `php4-pcntl` and `php4-pcntl-gtk` into the ''pptp-stable'' repository and released the packages (plus the updated `pptpconfig` package that uses them) to sourceforge.net. Updated CVS too. The web site will need updating to refer to the new packages. ==== Fedora Extras ==== * Made changes to `perl-Math-Pari` ([[RedHatBugzilla:175198|Bug #175198]]) and `perl-Crypt-RSA` ([[RedHatBugzilla:183888|Bug #183888]]) following review comments * Imported `perl-Crypt-Random`, `perl-Crypt-Primes`, and `perl-Math-Pari` into CVS and built them * Mailed upstream `bittorrent` about ([[RedHatBugzilla:189072|Bug #189072]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Jcode` to 2.04 ----