#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 3rdh May 2006 === ==== Car Repair ==== Last week the driver's side window on the Micra became detached from the regulator mechanism - again. The same problem had happened last September, and was repaired at [[http://www.westwaynissan.co.uk/dealer_details.php?DealerID=1708|Westway Nissan Manchester]]. Took it back there this morning and they repaired it for free this time. ==== Local Packages ==== There's a new version (2.0601) of `perl-Devel-Symdump` available upstream but a diff from the previous version shows only the addition of license text to the code, so I'm not bothering packaging an upgrade. Another reason is the issue `rpm` is likely to have with the numbering scheme when version 0.27 is released (`rpm` considers 2.0601 to be ''more recent'' than 0.27). ==== SELinux ==== Raised [[RedHatBugzilla:190561|Bug #190561]] on not being able to build SELinux policy modules in mock. ----