#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 10th May 2006 === ==== Fedora Extras ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.0.2 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.0.2 * Made a first attempt at packages for `bittorrent` 4.9.3 (the new beta release). This release drops support for `python` 2.2.x but I can't get it to build on `python` 2.3.x either (`python setup.py build` bails out with no diagnostics). The GUI now uses the `wxPython` toolkit for the downloader but still uses `pygtk2` for `maketorrent`, hence both toolkits are needed (`wxPython` is available in Fedora Extras thankfully). The new version is built on [[http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedProject|Twisted]], but the version in Fedora Extras is [[RedHatBugzilla:171543|ancient]], too old for `bittorrent`. So I made a bunch of `python-twisted-*` packages, but I only intend to keep them going until such time as Fedora Extras catches up. ----