Wednesday 7th June 2006

Local Packages

Server Outage

Had a brief server outage today. My ADSL line went down, and the usual watchdog script failed to bring it back up. This turned out to be because the pppd log file was configured to be in /var/log instead of /var/log/ppp, which SELinux wasn't happy with, resulting in pppd failing to start up again. It shows how reliable the ADSL link has been though, as I've had SELinux in enforcing mode for at least a week now and this must have been the first time it had been down since then.


Turned off the httpd_unified SELinux boolean and fixed the resulting wiki breakage. Since it's now running using mod_fcgid in the httpd_fastcgi_script_t domain, the standard httpd_sys_* domains are no longer accessible. Changed the context types of the wiki directory to the httpd_fastcgi_* equivalents and added a couple of policy rules to allow httpd_fastcgi_script_t to search httpd_sys_* directories (since the wiki lives in the same directory hierarchy as regular CGI scripts). All is now well again.

In fact I've now gone further and split off the FastCGI parts of my local apache policy into their own separate FastCGI policy, and added some equivalent stuff from the regular apache policy that gives capabilities to system scripts, such as accessing a MySQL database. I'll probably bundle that into my mod_fcgid package along with a quick example of how to get moin running under SELinux and FastCGI, then submit it for Fedora Extras,