#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 2nd August 2006 === ==== Hospital Visit ==== Drove Bingning's mum to her appointment at the [[http://www.cmht.nwest.nhs.uk/hospitals/university_dental_hospital.asp|Dental Hospital]]. Took Leon for his first visit to the [[http://www.cityofmanchesterstadium.co.uk/|City of Manchester Stadium]] on the way back. ==== New Computer ==== Collected some more bits for the new computer from [[http://www.aria.co.uk/|Aria Technology]]: * Cherry !CyMotion Expert Combo Keyboard (black) * Logitech Premium Optical Mouse (black) * Sony DRU820A 16x Dual Layer DVDRW * OCZ Platinum XTC 2GB DDR2 RAM kit, PC2 6400 Arrived back home to find that I'd missed [[http://www.city-link.co.uk/|City Link]]'s attempted delivery of the other bits, so will have to wait until tomorrow to put it all together. Whilst I was at Aria, I also bought a new PSU and some case fans to replace those in my current desktop box, which has become very noisy recently. It's certainly much quieter now. I actually had to drill some holes in the plastic front fascia of the case to allow air in for the front case fan (there's a nice fan mount there and holes in the metal chassis, but nowhere for the air to come from!). ----