#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 7th August 2006 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Continued populating the ''FC5/x86_64'' repository * Updated `perl-Pod-Coverage` to 0.18; the new "fully qualified" test fails on perl 5.8.0 though: {{{ t/02simple.......ok 32/33# Failed test (t/02simple.t at line 84) t/02simple.......NOK 33# got: undef # expected: '1' # Looks like you failed 1 tests of 33. t/02simple.......dubious Test returned status 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) DIED. FAILED test 33 Failed 1/33 tests, 96.97% okay}}} . I worked around this by patching out this test for builds on Red Hat Linux 9 and Enterprise Linux 3 * It seems that some people aren't using the mirrorlists, and so are trying to access the repositories at the old locations; for now I'll redirect these: {{{ RedirectMatch permanent /ftp/contrib/yum-repo/([^/]+)/repodata(.*)$ http://www.city-fan.org/ftp/contrib/yum-repo/$1/i386/repodata$2 }}} * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.0.8 * Updated `bittorrent` to 4.20.7; `--dfile` support in the tracker is still broken * Updated `curl` to 7.15.5 ==== Fedora Extras ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.0.8 ----