#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 26th September 2006 === ==== Nurseries ==== Went to look at Sale Private Day Nursery on Northenden Road; nothing particularly wrong with it but we both prefer Daydreams so we'll be filling in the paperwork for there this evening. ==== Fedora Extras ==== * The new stable version of [[http://dev.mmgsecurity.com/projects/lat/|lat]] (1.2.0) is out. Unfortunately I can't get it to build without `NetworkManager` support, and I can't get it to run unless `NetworkManager` is running. I raised [[https://dev.mmgsecurity.com/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=73|upstream bug #73]] for this. I also raised [[https://dev.mmgsecurity.com/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=72|upstream bug #72]] regarding the dependencies in the `pkgconfig` file shipped in the new release * Updated `gtorrentviewer` to address [[RedHatBugzilla:206262|Bug #206262]], regarding drag-and-drop being supported with files but not URIs ----