#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 27th October 2006 === ==== Fedora Extras ==== * Fixed the scriptlets for `ORBit-devel` to ensure that they didn't cause a ''failure'' exit status (and hence failed transactions resulting in multiple packages being recorded in the RPM database) * Updated `perl-Math-Pari` to 2.010709, but only in ''development''; there's no changes in this release that make pushing an update for current distributions worthwhile ==== Local Packages ==== Updated my buildsystem so that I can build "pukka" Fedora Core 6 packages and development packages are now tagged `.fc7`. The main non-triviality here was that I had to pull `yum-arch` from a Fedora Core 5 box so as to be able to create the metadata for legacy distributions, since `yum-arch` is no longer available in Fedora Core 6. I'll eventually get round to packaging `yum-arch` up as a separate package and maybe even submit it to Extras. ----