
Tuesday 31st October 2006

Local Packages

  • Updated moin to 1.5.6

  • Updated mod_fcgid to 2.0

  • Updated to include a separate file for the development repo; the regular repo is enabled by default and the development repo is disabled by default, except in the development repo itself, where it's the other way around (i.e. just like in the fedora-release package)

  • Raised Bug #213260 regarding FC6's yum sometimes installing the wrong packages when trying to resolve dependencies


  • Updated the wiki to MoinMoin version 1.5.6, running on mod_fcgid 2.0

Fedora Extras

  • Rebuilt gtorrentviewer for Rawhide so as to pick up the new dependency

  • Updated my python-zope-interface submission to include running the test suite in %check, and the submission was subsequently approved by JeffOllie

  • Updated mod_fcgid to 2.0, but only for Rawhide; will add to the older branches in a week or so if there are no issues with it
