Wednesday 13th June 2007

Fedora Upgrade

My firewall/web/DNS/mail/everything server is now running live with Fedora 7, and I have to say it was fairly painless to get it going, mainly thanks to the detailed install notes I kept when I did a fresh install of Fedora 6 many months ago.

Biggest issue was probably the need to update the SELinux policy for mod_fcgid (and hence this wiki), which was broken due to its use of deprecated permissions names. I've now fixed that, plus incorporated a boolean for allowing FastCGI applications to send mail, something I've been meaning to do for at least six months. I'll need to issue a Fedora 7 update for mod_fcgid containing this fix, which I'll look at doing tomorrow. A prerequsite for that is figuring out the version of selinux-polcy-devel that is now required to build the policy module; I suspect it won't build on FC5 and maybe not FC6 either.

last edited 2008-01-31 12:32:10 by localhost