
Thursday 27th September 2007

Local Packages

  • Updated sendmail to address a compatibility issue with the initscript on Fedora Core 4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, and older distributions

The entire repository, or sections of it, are now available using rsync:

$ rsync
ftp             whole ftp area
yum             yum repositories for all supported distributions
yum-rhl9        yum repository for Red Hat Linux 9
yum-rhel3       yum repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
yum-rhel4       yum repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
yum-rhel5       yum repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
yum-fc1         yum repository for Fedora Core 1
yum-fc2         yum repository for Fedora Core 2
yum-fc3         yum repository for Fedora Core 3
yum-fc4         yum repository for Fedora Core 4
yum-fc5         yum repository for Fedora Core 5
yum-fc6         yum repository for Fedora Core 6
yum-f7          yum repository for Fedora 7
yum-development yum repository for Fedora Development

If you use any of the "yum*" modules, I suggest you use:

$ rsync -av --no-l --copy-links

This is because the RPM packages in the yum repo are symlinks pointing to other directories in the ftp area.

The /etc/rsyncd.conf I'm using for this on is like this:

uid = rsyncd
gid = rsyncd
use chroot = no
max connections = 4
syslog facility = ftp
pid file = /var/run/

path = /srv/ftp/pub
comment = whole ftp area

path = /srv/ftp/pub/contrib/yum-repo
comment = yum repositories for all supported distributions

path = /srv/ftp/pub/contrib/yum-repo/rhl9
comment = yum repository for Red Hat Linux 9

path = /srv/ftp/pub/contrib/yum-repo/rhel3
comment = yum repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3

path = /srv/ftp/pub/contrib/yum-repo/rhel4
comment = yum repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

... more of the same ...
