#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 28th September 2007 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.1.1 (Rawhide) * Updated `lat` to 1.2.3 (Rawhide and F-7) There is an updated version of `perl-MIME-tools` (5.423) available, but I can't update Fedora because it requires `perl(File::Temp)` >= 0.17 and this version is so recent that it's not even in Rawhide's `perl` package (`File::Temp` is a core perl module). ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.1.1 * Updated `perl-Test-Manifest` to 1.21 * Updated `perl-YAML` to 0.66 * Rebuilt `python-twisted-core` to bring it more in line with the official Fedora version and fix some minor packaging issues ----