#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 16th October 2008 === ==== Local Packages ==== Built/upgraded a bunch of perl modules needed to build/test the perl bindings now included in `libspf2`: * New package `perl-Error` (0.17015) * New package `perl-Mail-SPF` (2.006) * New package `perl-Mail-SPF-Test` (1.001) * New package `perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable` (0.003) * New package `perl-NetAddr-IP` (4.011) * New package `perl-String-Escape` (2002.001) * Updated `perl-YAML` so that the latest version (0.66) would build on RHL9 and RHEL3, by patching out the single test that failed on such ancient distributions ----