
Monday 11th May 2009

Fedora Project

  • Took ownership of perl-IO-Multiplex, which was about to be orphaned due to an inactive maintainer; it's a dependency of perl-Net-Server

Local Packages

  • Updated libspf2 to make the apidocs subpackage arch-independent on Fedora 10 onwards

  • Updated sendmail to make the cf and doc subpackages arch-independent on Fedora 10 onwards

Started the process of creating a Fedora 11 repo:

  • Built compat-wxPython26, gtorrentviewer, mgdiff, mod_fastcgi, php4-pcntl, php4-pcntl-gtk, python-crypto, python-fpconst, python-twisted, python-twisted-conch, python-twisted-core, python-twisted-lore, python-twisted-mail, python-twisted-names, python-twisted-news, python-twisted-runner, python-twisted-web, python-twisted-words, python-zope-filesystem, python-zope-interface, tcptraceroute, tzip, unrar, and xv for Fedora 11
