#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 15th June 2009 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` to renumber patches as per the Fedora version - some of my local changes are likely to get merged into the Fedora version soon too ([[RedHatBugzilla:504857|Bug #504857]]) * Updated `davfs2` to 1.4.1 (retry uploads on connection failures) * Updated `fetchyahoo` to 2.13.6 (fix getting message IDs for read messages) * Updated `perl-Archive-Tar` to 1.52 (support for --no-same-permissions style behaviour) * Updated `perl-Array-Compare` to 1.18 (fix uninitialized variable in simple_compare - [[http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=45145|RT#45145]]) * Updated `perl-PAR-Dist` to 0.45 (fix test skipping if optional dependencies can't be found) * Updated `perl-XML-NamespaceSupport` to 1.10 (re-bundle with modern testing and Module::Install) A couple of the `perl` module packages were unusually troublesome today. Firstly, `perl-XML-NamespaceSupport` tries to use the `CPAN` module by default during installation due to the use of `Module::AutoInstall`, so that would be an extra build requirement (no too bad) and loads of extra redundant text in the build logs due to the `CPAN` module trying to configure itself. However, the biggest problem with the use of `CPAN` in an RPM-based distro is that it might pull in modules that don't get registered in the RPM database, leading to potentially unreproducible builds. Fortunately this could be prevented by adding the `--skipdeps` parameter to the `Makefile.PL` invocation. Secondly, `perl-Array-Compare` failed to build on anything older than Fedora Core 5, trying to run `Build.PL` (which requires `Module::Build`, not in the buildroot). Adding a buildreq of `perl(Module::Build)` didn't help either, resulting in this strange output: {{{ Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Writing Makefile for Array::Compare + /usr/bin/make -j2 /usr/bin/perl "-Iblib/arch" "-Iblib/lib" Build.PL Build cp lib/Array/Compare.pm blib/lib/Array/Compare.pm Manifying blib/man3/Array::Compare.3pm Too early to specify a build action 'Build'. Do 'Build Build' instead. make: *** [Build] Error 2 }}} Looking at what had changed in `Makefile.PL` since the previous version, I saw that it had been auto-generated by `Module::Build::Compat` version 0.32, whereas the previous version was auto-generated by `Module::Build::Compat` version 0.2808_01. The only other change was that the `PL_FILES` entry was missing from the `WriteMakefile` call. Adding this back using this patch fixed the problem: {{{ --- Array-Compare-1.18/Makefile.PL 2009-06-14 18:59:54.000000000 +0100 +++ Array-Compare-1.18/Makefile.PL 2009-06-15 10:55:38.000000000 +0100 @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ 'Carp' => 0 }, 'INSTALLDIRS' => 'site', + 'PL_FILES' => {}, 'EXE_FILES' => [] ) ; }}} ----