#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 17th July 2009 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `getmail` to 4.9.2 (honour `TMPDIR`, recode `CHANGELOG` as UTF-8) * Updated `libpng10` to 1.0.47 (changes to unknown chunk handling and documentation) * Updated `nmap` to 5.00 (`http-open-proxy` script fixes) * Updated `perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl` to 1.08 (added the `debian/` directory to skipped paths list - [[CPAN:47921|RT#47921]]) * Updated `perl-Pod-Simple` to 3.08 (fix `installdirs` for Perl versions where `Pod::Simple` was core - [[CPAN:36446|RT#36446]], [[CPAN:39709|RT#39709]]; fix encoding handling for code in paragraphs - [[CPAN:45829|RT#45829]]) * Updated `perl-Text-Diff` to 1.37 (clean up and add author tests) ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `libpng10` in Rawhide to 1.0.47 ----