#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 10th February 2010 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-SQL-Translator` to fix a [[http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/perl-devel/2010-February/019678.html|broken dependency]] (`perl(Parse::RecDescent)` >= 1.962002); the problem was precipitated by my update of `perl-Parse-RecDescent` yesterday from 1.962.2 to 1.963, and is because whilst `perl` considers 1.963 to be "later than" 1.962002, `rpm` considers the reverse to be the case. The previous version 1.962.2 package managed to avoid the problem because it had an unversioned "provide" for `perl(Parse::RecDescent)`, which `rpm` considers to be ''any version'' and will always satisfy a versioned dependency, whereas the new version 1.963 package explicitly "provides" `perl(Parse::RecDescent)` = 1.963, which fails the dependency check despite actually being a later package version. ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Pod-Coverage` to update the spec to my latest template and rebuild it for `perl` 5.10.1 in the development branch; somehow I'd not built a Fedora 6 version of this package last time, and this was what had caused the POD coverage test failure in `perl-Moose` for Fedora 6 - it was building with version 1.18 from Fedora Extras instead of version 1.20 from my local repository * Added a couple of patches to `perl-Test-NoTabs`, firstly to silence a ''Parentheses missing around "my" list'' warning in old Perls (I raised [[CPAN:54477|CPAN RT#54477]] about this issue) and secondly to fix and add a test case for [[CPAN:53727|CPAN RT#53727]] (broken POD breaks tab detection); I had to tweak the original reporter's patch slightly to get it to work reliably though * Updated `perl-Moose` to 0.97 (fix `->reinitialize` on a cached anonymous class, which destroyed the cache); I needed to add a patch to fix the "tabs" test because my patched version of `perl-Test-NoTabs` revealed a few tabs in the test suite that had been missed by the unpatched version (I raised [[CPAN:54478|CPAN RT#54478]] for this issue). I also needed to update my patch to build with old versions of `Test::More`, and I added a versioned dependency on `perl(Pod::Coverage)` >= 0.20 to ensure that my Fedora 6 POD coverage issue would be more easily spotted if it happened again. ----