
Friday 5th March 2010

Local Packages

  • Updated c-ares to merge a patch from Fedora allowing usage of IPv6 nameservers

  • Updated perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu to make the requires/provides filters simpler and more generic...

  • # Don't "provide" private Perl libs, and filter out docfile dependencies
    %global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
    %global docfilt %{__perl} -p -e 's|%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}\\S+||'
    %global so_filt %{__grep} -v '%{perl_vendorarch}/.*\\.so$'
    %global __deploop() while read FILE; do /usr/lib/rpm/rpmdeps -%{1} ${FILE}; done | /bin/sort -u
    %global __find_provides /bin/sh -c "%{so_filt} | %{__deploop P}"
    %global __find_requires /bin/sh -c "%{docfilt} | %{__deploop R}"
  • ... and kill bogus RPATHs for distros prior to Fedora 2:
  • %build
    %{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor OPTIMIZE="%{optflags}"
    # Kludge to remove rpaths (needed for distros < FC2)
    %{__perl} -pi -e 's/^\tLD_RUN_PATH=[^\s]+\s*/\t/' Makefile
    %{__make} %{?_smp_mflags}
  • Updated sendmail to use noreplace for the SASL configuration file, use %ghost instead of explicit provides for alternatives targets (as per Packaging:Alternatives), and drop ownership of directory %{_sysconfdir}/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/ in Fedora 9 onwards since the initscripts package owns that directory

  • Rebuilt perl-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor, perl-Mail-SPF, perl-Mail-SRS, perl-Test-File, perl-Text-Template, perl-Tree-DAG_Node, perl-Unicode-MapUTF8, perl-Unix-Syslog, perl-WeakRef and perl-XML-SAX for perl 5.10.1 in devel branches
