#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 30th March 2010 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Finally approved the [[RedHatBugzilla:225302|merge review for automake]] ==== Local Packages ==== * Created packages for `dovecot` 2.0.beta4, though I've not included them in the repository yet apart from the `development` release since the Fedora version is also at 2.0.beta4 in Rawhide; the new package doesn't include the ancient documentation on migrating from UW IMAP server, and it leaves the generation of Diffie-Hellman parameters to the server rather than doing it in `%post`; I also found that I needed some [[http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/selinux/2010-March/012319.html|additional SELinux policy]] to get it working in Fedora 12 * Updated `perl-DateTime` to update `DateTime::TimeZone` to 1.15, based on version 2010g of the Olson database (changes for Bangladesh, Palestine, and Russia) * Updated `perl-IPC-Run` to 0.87: * Add doc type fixes ([[CPAN:56030|CPAN RT#56030]]) * Remove recommends for AUTHOR only modules * Add `pod_coverage` and simplify `pod` test * Document previously undocumented public subroutines with `TODO` * Explicitly recommend `IO::Pty` version number 1.08 ----