#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 13th May 2010 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Built more packages for EPEL-6: `bluefish`, `perl-Crypt-Primes`, `perl-Sort-Versions`, `trac-spamfilter-plugin` * Updated `perl-Net-SSH-Perl` to not clobber `~/.gnupg` during the build process * Became co-maintainer of `perl-Test-Distribution` in EPEL ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-HTML-Tidy` to 1.52 (upstream merged my patches) * Updated `perl-NetAddr-IP` to 4.028 (fix some compiler issues) and to use `%{?perl_default_filter}` for the provides filter * Patched `perl-HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker` so that `t/403.t` doesn't fail (I had to create a special URL on my own server to replicate the behaviour that was expected of a URL at google in the original test - raised as [[CPAN:57584|CPAN RT#57584]]) * More rebuilds for RHEL-6: `perl-ConfigReader-Simple`, `perl-HTML-Lint`, `perl-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor`, `perl-HTTP-Size`, `perl-Mail-Sendmail`, `perl-Test-File`, `perl-Test-Manifest`, `unrar`, `weblint++`, `weblint` ----