#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 12th August 2010 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` to 7.21.1, dropping the upstreamed NTLM-with-NSS patch: * added support for NTLM authentication when compiled with NSS * `curl-config`: `--built-shared` returns shared info * `multi`: call the progress callback in all states * `multi`: unmark handle as used when no longer head of pipeline * `sendrecv`: treat all negative values from `send`/`recv` as errors * `ftp-wildcard`: avoid tight loop when used without any pattern * `multi_socket`: re-use of same socket without notifying app * `ftp` wildcard: `FTP LIST` parser fix * urlglobbing backslash escaping bug * `multi`: `CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET` doesn't work after `remove_handle` * `--libcurl`: use `*_LARGE` options with typecasted constants * `--libcurl`: hide `setopt()` calls setting default options * `curl`: avoid setting `libcurl` options to its default * `--libcurl`: list the tricky options instead of using `[REMARK]` * `http`: don't enable `chunked` during authentication negotiations * `upload`: warn users trying to upload from `stdin` with `anyauth` * threaded resolver: fix timeout issue * `multi`: fix condition that remove timers before trigger * `examples`: add `curl_multi_timeout` * `--retry`: access violation with URL part sets continued * `remote-header-name`: chop `filename` at next semicolon * `ftp`: response timeout bug in "`quote`" sending * `CUSTOMREQUEST`: shouldn't be disabled when HTTP is disabled * NTLM tests: boost coverage by forcing the `hostname` * `multi`: fix `FTPS` connecting the data connection with OpenSSL * `retry`: consider retrying even if `-f` is used * fix SOCKS problem when using `multi` interface * `typecheck-gcc`: add checks for recently added options * SCP: send large files properly with new enough `libssh2` * `multi_socket`: set timeout for `100-continue` * "`;type=`" URL suffix over HTTP proxy * acknowledge progress callback error returns during connect . I came across a problem with the test suite on RHL-9 (and only RHL-9) where it was unable to find `./libtest/.libs/libhostname.so` on some (but not all) occasions, resulting in the failure of three NTLM test cases; I was unable to pin down the reason for it but changing the relative path to an absolute one by substituting `$(pwd)` for `.` resolved the issue ----