#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 5th September 2010 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-B-Keywords` to 1.10 (fix typo in `SYNOPSIS`) * Updated `perl-Config-Tiny` to 2.13, adding `perl(Test::CPAN::Meta)` as a buildreq for additional test coverage: * Fix [[CPAN:30479|CPAN RT#30479]]: should `warn` or `die` when writing data it cannot later read * Fix [[CPAN:40585|CPAN RT#40585]]: member '`set;`' doesn't exist * Fix [[CPAN:60703|CPAN RT#60703]]: display glitch in `Config::Tiny` 2.12 POD * Updated `perl-Devel-StackTrace` to 1.24, adding `perl(Exception::Class)` as a buildreq for additional test coverage: * Version 1.23 was missing a `$VERSION` assignment * Moved the `frame` object to its own file, and renamed it `Devel::StackTrace::Frame`; the old package name, `Devel::StackTraceFrame`, is now a subclass of the new package, to provide a backwards compatibility shim ----