#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 6th September 2010 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.3.12 in Rawhide, F-14 and EL-6: * Fix for `--disable-tcl` or systems that do not have `Tcl` installed * Add support for process and transaction filters in MinGW * Add support for `Open New Window` to MinGW ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `gtkwave` to 3.3.12 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-DBM-Deep` to 2.0002: * Error messages from `DBM::Deep` now use the caller's file name; they used incorrectly to use the name of the program (`$0`) * `begin_work` now checks correctly to see whether the new transaction exceeds the number the file was created to support; sometimes it would allow a few more transactions, and then proceed to corrupt the database ([[CPAN:60903|CPAN RT#60903]]) * The description of the file header in `DBM::Deep::Internals` has been brought up to date * Updated `perl-Email-Address` to 1.892 (revert all behaviour to 1.889), dropping the `perl` 5.10.0 requirement that is no longer needed * Updated `perl-Filter-Simple` to 0.85 (port changes from core: remove unnecessary `PERL_CORE` check from tests) * Updated `perl-Module-Signature` to 0.65 (skip `MYMETA`), adding a patch to fix operation with `ExtUtils::Manifest` versions 1.54 to 1.57 (submitted upstream at [[CPAN:61124|CPAN RT#61124]]) * Updated `perl-Perl-Critic` to 1.109 (`ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars` fix due to changes in `Email::Address` 1.890; note that this may find problems in code that it didn't before, e.g. `q<'@foo'>`) * Updated `perl-YAML` to 0.72: * Upgrade to `Module::Install` 1.00 * Upgraded author tests via new ADAMK release automation * Normalise Ingy's name to ASCII in `Makefile.PL` so that we don't have Unicode in our own `META.yml` ----