#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 9th September 2010 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `dovecot` to 2.0.2: * `vpopmail` support is disabled for now, since it's broken * `maildir`: fixed "`duplicate uidlist entry`" errors * deleting ACLs didn't cause entries to be removed from `acl_shared_dict` * `mail_max_lock_timeout` setting wasn't working with all locks * `auth_cache_size setting`'s old-style value wasn't auto-converted properly * Updated `perl-Module-Info` to 0.32 (add `archlib` and `privlib` to the search path for core modules) * Updated `perl-Test-NoWarnings` to 1.02: * Don't "`use warnings`" anywhere inside of `Test::NoWarnings::*` * Remove the need for a private variable when detecting `Devel::StackTrace` support * Don't import unused functions from `Carp` or `Test::Builder` * Minor documentation tweaks * Correct the repository metadata in `META.yml` * Minor cleanups in the `eumm-update` generated code * Added a dedicated `compile` test * Updated `unrar` to use debian's manpage for the 3.9.10 version ----