#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 30th September 2010 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-NetAddr-IP` to 4.033: * Conditionalize import of `AF_INET6` in `Util.pm` and `NetAddr::IP::UtilPolluted` - [[CPAN:61742|CPAN RT#61742]] * Updated `perl-Test-Deep` to 0.107: * New maintainer: Ricardo Signes (rjbs) * Install by default to "`site`" directory on `perl` ≥ 5.10.0 * Cope with new stringification of `qr{}` objects in 5.13.x+ * Fix Pod escaping errors * Updated `perl-Text-CSV_XS` to 0.74: * Spelling fixes * Real EOL support for parsing streams (beyond `\n`, `\r` and `\r\n`) * Clarify doc for `always_quote` to not quote `undef` fields * Clarify UTF8 process for `print()` and `combine()` * Rebuilt `bluefish`, `curl`, `dovecot`, `nmap`, `proftpd`, `sendmail` and `spamass-milter` for `gcc` faulty code generation bug ([[RedHatBugzilla:634757|Bug #634757]]) ----