#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 26th October 2010 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Rebuilt `gtkwave` for `liblzma.so.5` in Rawhide * Rebuilt `perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma` for `liblzma.so.5`, patching out the subfilter constants - sub-block filters are not supported in `xz` 5.x (raised upstream as [[CPAN:62461|CPAN RT#62461]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-Test-Fatal` (0.001) * Updated `perl-DateTime` to update `DateTime` to 0.65: * All the constructors besides `new()` ended up calling `new()`, which meant that these constructors went through the parameter validation code twice; avoiding this should make everything that constructs a new object (besides `new()` itself) a little faster * The `t/39no-so.t` test failed for some people ([[CPAN:62061|CPAN RT#62061]]) * Added a section on the `DateTime` Project ecosystem to the docs ([[CPAN:60930|CPAN RT#60930]]) * Fixed wiki links in the docs now that the wiki has moved to a new wiki platform * Restored some of the `dzil`-ification; the repo now has a very minimal `Build.PL` file that is just enough to build the XS code and run the tests, which fixes the total lack of prerequisites in the `META.*` files ([[CPAN:62427|CPAN RT#62427]]) . and `DateTime::TimeZone` to 1.23: * Based on version 2010n of the Olson database, it includes updates for Fiji . I tried enabling the `Kwalitee` test but it failed (no README for instance) so I left that for now * Updated `perl-NetAddr-IP` to 4.034: * Updated `Lite::_xnew` v1.20 to properly handle IPv6 notation of the form `xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx, DDD` * Updated `perl-version` to 0.85: * Don't ship `MYMETA.yml` file in distro * Updated `xz` to 5.0.0, which bumps the library soname to `liblzma.so.5`, so I introduced a `compat-libs` subpackage with `liblzma.so.0` for compatibility with distributions using older releases (as per the Rawhide `xz` package) for the time being (this will probably be replaced by a separate `compat` package soon) * Rebuilt `gtkwave` for `liblzma.so.5` * Rebuilt `perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma` for `liblzma.so.5`, as per the Rawhide version ----