#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 22nd November 2010 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Became co-maintainer of `perl-Test-Requires` in EPEL-6 and updated it to the latest upstream version (0.06) ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-Class-Load` (0.06) * New package `perl-parent` (0.224) * Updated `perl-DateTime` to update `DateTime::TimeZone` to 1.26, adding new build requirements `perl(parent)` and `perl(Class::Load)`, plus a patch for better dictionary coverage in the `DateTime::TimeZone` spelling check test: * All modules in the distro now have the same `$VERSION` * Based on version 2010n of the Olson database (updates for Fiji) * Attempting to determine the local time zone while inside a `sort` subroutine could cause an error "`Can't return outside a subroutine`", caused by stack corruption that happens when an `eval "use $module"` fails ([[CPAN:63106|CPAN RT#63106]]) * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 2.41: * Updated for 5.13.7 * Updated `perl-Params-Util` to 1.03: * Add a much more advanced `can_xs()` alternative to `can_cc()` to deal with the situation where a host has a superficially working compiler, but completely screwed up headers * Add some fall-back strategies to deal with cases where these same machines don't support `configure_requires` * Adopt Chorny's `eumm`-upgrade style for the `Makefile.PL` * Allow the `Makefile.PL` to build its own `META.yml` now * Update `perl-YAML-Syck` to 1.17: * Change a C99 comment to a C89 comment * Upgrade `ppport.h` from 3.13 to 3.19 * Remove `inc/Test/Builder/IO/Scalar.pm` from `MANIFEST` * POD formatting fixes contributed by Justin Hunter * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.0.5: * `Smarty` now follows the PHP `error_reporting` level by default ----