#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 12th December 2010 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Digest-SHA` update to 5.49 * Modified `Addfile` to accept all POSIX filenames (standard allows all characters except `NUL` and '`/`') * Updated `shasum` to more closely mimic `sha1sum`/`md5sum` (added backslash processing to handle newlines and backslashes in filenames) * Updated `perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder` to 0.2802: * Incorporated another `t/04-base.t` fix from bleadperl * Updated `perl-Software-License` to 0.102341 * Add note to `Artistic 2` that it's GPL compatible ----