#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 16th December 2010 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `curl` in Rawhide to 7.21.3: * Added `--noconfigure` switch to `testcurl.pl` * Added `--xattr` option * Added `CURLOPT_RESOLVE` and `--resolve` * Added `CURLAUTH_ONLY` * Added `version-check.pl` to the `examples` directory * Check for `libcurl` features for some command line options * `Curl_setopt`: disallow `CURLOPT_USE_SSL` without SSL support * `http_chunks`: remove debug output * `URL`-parsing: consider `?` a divider * `SSH`: avoid using the `libssh2_` prefix * `SSH`: use `libssh2_session_handshake()` to work on win64 * `ftp`: prevent server from hanging on closed data connection when stopping a transfer before the end of the full transfer (ranges) * `LDAP`: detect non-binary attributes properly * `ftp`: treat server's response 421 as `CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT` * `gnutls->handshake`: improved timeout handling * security: pass the right parameter to `init` * `krb5`: use `GSS_ERROR` to check for error * `TFTP`: resend the correct data * `configure`: fix `autoconf` 2.68 warning: `no AC_LANG_SOURCE call detected` * `GnuTLS`: now detects socket errors on Windows * `symbols-in-versions`: updated en masse * Added a couple of examples that were missing from the tarball * `Curl_send/recv_plain`: return `errno` on failure * `Curl_wait_for_resolv` (for `c-ares`): correct timeout * `ossl_connect_common`: detect connection re-use * `configure`: prevent link errors with `--librtmp` * `openldap`: use remote port in URL passed to `ldap_init_fd()` * `url`: provide `dead_connection` flag in `Curl_handler::disconnect` * Lots of compiler warning fixes * `ssh`: fix a download resume point calculation * Fix `getinfo CURLINFO_LOCAL*` for reused connections * `multi`: the returned running handles counter could turn negative * `multi`: only ever consider pipelining for connections doing HTTP(S) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` to 7.21.3 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-List-MoreUtils` to 0.30: * Change the way we localise `PERL_DL_NONLAZY` to `false` to remove a warning that some people were seeing; the new approach is taken from the way that `List::Util` does it * Updated `perl-Perl-Critic` to buildrequire/require `perl(Pod::Spell)` and `perl(PPIx::Regexp)`, require `perl(File::Which)` and bump `perl(PPI)` version requirement to 1.208 * Updated `perl-YAML-Tiny` to 1.46: * Added support for trailing line comments * Added checks for some characters that are illegal/reserved in plain scalars * Minor cleaning up of some out of date POD * Updated `AUTOMATED_TESTING` dependencies to new versions * Added experimental support for `exception->errstr` conversion * Updated test suite `yaml_error` to not expect exceptions ----