#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 23rd December 2010 === ==== Local Packages ==== Today I updated `proftpd` to 1.3.4rc1, in `svn` only due to the inclusion of a 50MB test file in the source tarball. This file won't be present in the next release candidate, so I'll probably do a full set of builds for that. Upstream changes: * Added Japanese translation * Many `mod_sftp` bugfixes * Fixed `SSL_shutdown()` errors caused by OpenSSL 0.9.8m and later * Added support for SMTP authentication in `ftpmail` script * Updated `fnmatch` implementation, using `glibc`-2.9 version * New modules: * `mod_copy` * `mod_deflate` * `mod_ifversion` * `mod_qos` * New configuration directives: * `Protocols` * `ScoreboardMutex` * `SFTPClientAlive` * `WrapOptions` * Changed configuration directives: * `BanOnEvent` * `ListOptions` * `LogFormat` * `SFTPOptions` * `TLSOptions` * `UseSendfile` * Deprecated configuration directives: * `DisplayGoAway` (support for this directive has been removed) Downstream changes: * Added `%check` section, running the API tests by default (requiring buildreq `check-devel`) * Added upstream patch (http://bugs.proftpd.org/3568), modified slightly, to fix the API tests * Added facility to run the `perl`-based integration test suite if the build option `--with integrationtests` is supplied; this is off by default as it is not fully maintained and is expected to fail in parts (see http://bugs.proftpd.org/3568#c5); this needs additional buildreqs `perl(Compress::Zlib)`, `perl(IO::Socket::SSL)`, `perl(Net::FTPSSL)`, `perl(Net::SSLeay)`, `perl(Net::Telnet)`, `perl(Test::Harness)` and `perl(Time::HiRes)` * Bundled `perl(Test::Unit)` 0.14, needed to run the integration test suite (the version in Fedora is an incompatible later version not from CPAN) * Build new DSO modules: `mod_copy`, `mod_deflate`, `mod_ifversion` and `mod_qos` * QoS support can be enabled in `/etc/sysconfig/proftpd` * Add patch to fix up the `configure` script to be able to handle `mysql_config` scripts in ancient distributions that have output that's incompatible with what `proftpd` expects ----