#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 25th January 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Package-Stash-XS` to 0.21 in Rawhide: * Make the leak tests author-only, since some smokers run release tests * Fix some XS forward compatibility stuff * Updated `perl-Package-Stash` to 0.25 in Rawhide: * Make the leak tests author-only, since some smokers run release tests ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML` (0.003) * New package `perl-JSON-PP` (2.27104) * New package `perl-Module-Metadata` (1.000003) * New package `perl-Perl-OSType` (1.002) * Updated `perl-DateTime` to update `DateTime::TimeZone` to 1.27: * Based on version 2011a of the Olson database * Includes historical updates for Australia and Hawaii * Updated `perl-Module-Build` to 0.3622: * Give a list of valid licenses when given one we don't recognize ([[CPAN:55951|CPAN RT#55951]]) * Improve HTML documentation generation on !ActivePerl ([[CPAN:53478|CPAN RT#53478]]) * Won't try to use !ActivePerl doc generation tools without confirming that they are indeed installed * Handle `META`/`MYMETA` reading and writing within `Module::Build` to ensure `utf8` mode on filehandles * Fix runtime error on cygwin when searching for an executable command during `installdeps` testing * Add `install*script` to search path for `installdeps` client and search `site`, then `vendor`, then `core` paths * Set temporary `$ENV{HOME}` in testing to an absolute path, which fixes some issues when tested as part of the `Perl` core * `Module::Build::ModuleInfo` now warns instead of dying when a module has an invalid version; `->version` now just returns `undef` ([[CPAN:59593|CPAN RT#59593]]) * Add '`Build manifest_skip`' action to generate a default `MANIFEST.SKIP` * When temporarily generating a `MANIFEST.SKIP` when none exists, it will be removed on exit instead of hanging around until '`Build clean`'; this is less surprising/confusing and the '`Build manifest_skip`' action is now available instead to bootstrap the file * Add '`distinstall`' action to run '`Build install`' inside the generated distribution directory * Add '`release_status`' and '`dist_suffix`' properties in preparation for adding CPAN Meta Spec 2 support; '`dist_suffix`' will be set to '`TRIAL`' automatically when necessary * `Module::Build::Compat` will now convert dotted-decimal prereqs into decimal rather than dying (and will warn about this) * Skip '`release_status`' tests on `perl` < 5.8.1 due to buggy treatment of dotted-decimal version numbers * `PERL_DL_NONLAZY` is now always set when tests are run ([[CPAN:56055|CPAN RT#56055]]) * Cache case-sensitivity checks to boost performance ([[CPAN:55162|CPAN RT#55162]], [[CPAN:56513|CPAN RT#56513]]) * When parsing a version number out of a file, any trailing alphabetical characters will be dropped to avoid fatal errors when comparing version numbers; these would have been dropped (with a warning) anyway during an ordinary numeric comparison ([[CPAN:56071|CPAN RT#56071]]) * A `Perl` interpreter mismatch between running `Build.PL` and running `Build` is now a fatal error, not a warning ([[CPAN:55183|CPAN RT#55183]]) * `Build` script now checks that `M::B` is at least the same version of `M::B` as provided in '`configure_requires`' in `META` ([[CPAN:54954|CPAN RT#54954]]) * No longer uses fake user '`foo`' in `t/tilde` ([[CPAN:61793|CPAN RT#61793]]) * '`fakeinstall`' will use `.modulebuildrc` actions for '`install`' if no specific '`fakeinstall`' options are provided ([[CPAN:57279|CPAN RT#57279]]) * When authors do not specify `Module::Build` in `configure_requires` and `Module::Build` is automatically added, a warning will be issued showing the added prerequisite * Move automatic `configure_requires` generation into `get_metadata()` and add an '`auto`' argument to toggle it (on for `META` and off for `MYMETA`) * Correctly report missing metafile field names * A broken `version.pm` load won't cause `Module::Build::Version` to die trying to install itself as a mock version ([[CPAN:59499|CPAN RT#59499]]) * Better error message in case package declaration is not found when searching for version * Make '`license`' more liberal: you can now specify either a license key from the approved list (c.f. `Module::Build::API`) or just a `Software::License` subclass name (e.g. '`Perl_5`'); this should provide better support for custom or proprietary licenses * Add a mock `Software::License` to prevent `t/properties/license.t` from failing * Arguments with key-value pairs may now have keys with "`-`" in them ([[CPAN:53050|CPAN RT#53050]]) * Won't fail tests if an ancient `Tie::IxHash` is installed * Add dependency on `Perl::OSType` to refactor and centralize management of OS type mapping * `Perl::OSType` is declared as a '`configure_requires`' dependency, but is also bundled in `inc` (and loaded if needed) * Return to starting directory after install action; this is an attempt to fix an `install.t` heisenbug ([[CPAN:63003|CPAN RT#63003]]) * Add `quotemeta` to `t/tilde.t` test to fix Cygwin fails * Skip `noexec` tmpdir check on Windows ([[CPAN:55667|CPAN RT#55667]]) * Changed `YAML::Tiny` references to the new `CPAN::Meta::YAML` module instead, which is the YAML-variant that is going into the `Perl` core * `Module::Build::YAML` has been deprecated; `Module::Build` now depends directly upon `CPAN::Meta::YAML` (`M::B::YAML` remains as a subclass wrapper) * `Module::Build::ModuleInfo` has been deprecated; `Module::Build` now depends directly upon `Module::Metadata` (which is an extraction of `M::B::ModuleInfo` intended for general reuse); a pure-perl version has been bundled in `inc/` solely for bootstrapping in case `configure_requires` is not supported (`M::B::ModuleInfo` remains as a wrapper around `Module::Metadata`) * `Module::Build::Version` has been deprecated; `Module::Build` now depends directly upon `version.pm`; a pure-perl version has been bundled in `inc/` solely for bootstrapping in case `configure_requires` is not supported (`M::B::Version` remains as a wrapper around `version.pm`) * The `YAML_support` feature has been removed . Packaging changes: * Drop workaround for `gnupg2`'s inability to import secret keys now that `%{__gpg}` can safely be assumed to be `gnupg` version 1 * Package `LICENSE` file * Clean up Requires/BuildRequires and add version requirements * Drop runtime dependency on `perl(Archive::Zip)`, used only in the test suite * Drop `perl(Software::License)` buildreq as the bundled version can be used * Drop all dependencies on `perl(YAML::Tiny)` * BR: `perl(CPAN::Meta::YAML)` ≥ 0.002, `perl(Module::Metadata)` ≥ 1.000002, `perl(Perl::OSType)` ≥ 1 * Updated `perl-Package-Stash-XS` to 0.21 as per the Fedora package * Updated `perl-Package-Stash` to 0.25 as per the Fedora package * Updated `perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta` to 1.4200, adding buildreqs `perl(CPAN::Meta::YAML)` ≥ 0.002, `perl(JSON::PP)` ≥ 2.27103 and `perl(Module::Load::Conditional)` ≥ 0.26, and dropping no-longer-used buildreqs `perl(Test::CPAN::Meta)` and `perl(Test::MinimumVersion)`; the package can now parse `META.json` files as well as `META.yml` files * Add support for JSON metafiles and `load_*` methods * Move binary file unpacking to test file from `Makefile.PL` so tests will pass in the Perl core using a generated `Makefile.PL` * Move bundled `uupacktool.pl` to `t/bin/` * Use `CPAN::Meta::YAML` rather than `YAML::Tiny` * Throw exception when `CPAN::Meta::YAML` has a parse error ([[CPAN:47608|CPAN RT#47608]]) * Support `PERL_JSON_BACKEND` environment (defaulting to `JSON::PP`) * Support `PERL_YAML_BACKEND` environment (defaulting to `CPAN::Meta:YAML`) * Update `Makefile.PL` to install to `sitelib` on `Perl` 5.12+ ----