
Saturday 12th February 2011

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-Net-SSH-Perl (F-15 and Rawhide) to fix the dependency filtering for Crypt::IDEA with rpm 4.9; the traditional method of filtering the output of %{__perl_requires} no longer works (though a similar approach filtering the output of the new %{__perllib_provides} script would), but a more generic, non-perl-specific approach is to use the new %{__requires_exclude} macro, which takes an extended regex as an argument

  • So where we had:
  • # Remove Crypt::IDEA dep if we're not supporting the IDEA algorithm and we don't have rpm 4.9
    %define bogusreq 'perl(Crypt::IDEA)'
    %global reqfilt /bin/sh -c "%{__perl_requires} | %{__grep} -Fvx %{bogusreq}"
    %{!?_with_IDEA:%define __perl_requires %{reqfilt}}
  • We now have:
  • %global __requires_exclude ^perl\\(Crypt::IDEA\\)
  • The backslashes needed to be escaped due to the internal workings of rpm's macro processor

Local Packages

  • Updated libgcrypt to 1.4.6:

    • New variants of the TIGER algorithm

    • New cipher algorithm mode for AES-WRAP
