#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 2nd March 2011 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `libidn` to 1.20: * `libidn`: fix bug in `ToUnicode` to compare '`xn--`' case-insensitively (http://bugs.debian.org/610617) * Add self-test `tst_idna3` to catch any regression of problem above * `idn`: only print copyright and license blurb when used interactively (http://bugs.debian.org/615947 and http://bugs.debian.org/615949) * Update gnulib files and translations * Updated `perl-Perl-MinimumVersion` to 1.28: * The `->isa` in the 5.10 ''operator'' and ''magic variable'' tests were back to front, breaking both * ''Magic variable'' rules now check using `->symbol` method instead of `->content` so that `$+{foo}` are correctly treated like `%+` * Removed `-w` from tests to allow testing with `Tainting` on * Updated `perl-PPIx-Regexp` to 0.019: * Various corrections to `perl_version_introduced()`: * `\X` is now 5.006 (was 5.000) * `\N{name}` is now 5.006001 (was 5.006) * `\N{U+xxxx}` is now 5.008 (was 5.006) * The `\C` is now parsed as a `PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::Simple` * Ensure that `\N{$foo}` parses as a Unicode literal, not a quantified `\N`; the `ordinal()` method returns `undef` for this * Understand the `/aa` modifier, introduced with 5.13.10 * Report `perl_version_introduced()` of 5.013010 for the new semantic modifiers when modifying the entire expression * Correct handling of interpolations like `${^foo}` and `$#{foo}` ----