#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 5th April 2011 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `libssh2` to 1.2.8: * Added `libssh2_free`, `libssh2_channel_get_exit_signal` and `libssh2_session_handshake` * SFTP read/write remade and now ''much'' faster, especially on high latency connections * Added new examples: `ssh2_echo.c`, `sftp_append.c` and `sftp_write_sliding.c` * `userauth`: derive publickey from private * Support unlimited number of host names in a single line of the `known_hosts` file * Fix memory leak in `userauth_keyboard_interactive()` * Fix memory leaks (two times `cipher_data`) for each sftp session * `session_startup`: manage server data before server identification * SCP: allow file names with bytes > 126 * `scp_recv`: improved treatment of `channel_read()` returning zero * `libssh2_userauth_authenticated`: make it work as documented * Variable size cleanup: match internal variable sizes better with the sizes of the fields used on the wire * `channel_request_pty_size`: fix `reqPTY_state` * `sftp_symlink`: return error if receive buffer too small * `sftp_readdir`: return error if buffer is too small * `libssh2_knownhost_readfile.3`: clarify return value * `configure`: stop using the deprecated `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE` syntax * Fixed Win32 makefile which was now broken at resource build * `kex_agree_hostkey`: fix NULL pointer dereference * `_libssh2_ntohu64`: fix conversion from network bytes to `uint64` * `ssize_t`: proper `typedef` with MSVC compilers * `zlib`: add debug tracing of `zlib` errors * `decomp`: increase decompression buffer sizes . I tweaked the package to skip the SSH test if `/dev/tty` is missing, as is the case in current `mock` releases ([[RedHatBugzilla:672713|Bug #672713]]), and also applied a patch to fix the version number in `libssh2.pc` ([[http://www.libssh2.org/mail/libssh2-devel-archive-2011-04/0008.shtml|reported upstream]]) * Updated `ppp` with some man page fixes ([[RedHatBugzilla:664282|Bug #664282]], [[RedHatBugzilla:664868|Bug #664868]]) * Updated `proftpd` (trunk) to enable `mod_memcache` and `mod_tls_memcache` if we have `libmemcached` ≥ 0.41, and to re-enable `mod_geoip` after I patched it to use the new internal regexp API ----