#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 22nd April 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Introduced `perl-CPAN-Changes` (0.17) for F-13, F-14, F-15 and Rawhide (no current EPEL release has a recent enough `perl(version)`) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Output` to 1.01, which is usable on all of the Linux distributions I build for as the `perl(File::Temp)` dependency is no longer actually there (though upstream hasn't yet dropped it - [[CPAN:67707|CPAN RT#67707]]) * Added `META_MERGE` features from `chorny` * Update tests with hard-coded regex stringification for Perl's new `(?^:)` stuff * Fix cat-o with handling `$,` * Rebuilt `perl-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor` to test the new `perl-Test-Output` on all distributions ----