#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 18th May 2011 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Event` to 1.17: * Workarounds for test failures on Windows ([[CPAN:43179|CPAN RT#43179]], [[CPAN:67882|CPAN RT#67882]]) * Updated `python-zope-interface` to 3.6.2: * Moved detailed documentation out-of-line from PyPI page, linking instead to http://docs.zope.org/zope.interface * Fixes for small issues when running tests under Python 3.2 using `zope.testrunner` * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope.interface/+bug/675064|LP#675064]]: specify return value type for C optimizations module init under Python 3: undeclared value caused warnings, and segfaults on some 64-bit architectures * `setup.py` now raises `RuntimeError` if you don't have `Distutils` installed when running under Python 3 * Updated `sendmail` to 8.14.5: * SMTP extensions are no longer cached across connections as the cache is based on hostname which may not be a unique identifier for a server, i.e., different machines may have the same hostname but provide different SMTP extensions * An out-of-bounds access is avoided in case a resolver reply for a DNS map lookup returns a size larger than 1K * The interrupt signal handler has been cleaned up to avoid invoking functions that are not signal-safe * At most two AUTH lines are read from a server to avoid a DoS attack against the client (memory exhaustion) ----