#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 4th August 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Submitted package review requests for [[RedHatBugzilla:728275|perl-Data-Section-Simple]], [[RedHatBugzilla:728286|perl-Module-Extract-VERSION]] and [[RedHatBugzilla:728329|perl-Test-Version]] ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-Devel-Hide` (0.0008) * Updated `perl-List-MoreUtils` to 0.33: * Updated `can_xs` to fix a bug in it * Updated `perl-namespace-clean` to 0.21, dropping the no-longer-needed patch for building with old versions of `ExtUtils::MakeMaker`, adding build requirement `perl(Devel::Hide)`, needed for the new pure-perl test, and dropping no-longer-needed build requirements `perl(Pod::Coverage::TrustPod)`, `perl(Test::EOL)`, `perl(Test::NoTabs)`, `perl(Test::Pod)` and `perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)`: * Only invoke the deleted `sub` stashing if we run under a debugger (avoid runtime penalty of `Sub::Name`/`Sub::Identify`) * Spelling fixes ([[CPAN:54388|CPAN RT#54388]]) * When `B::Hooks::EndOfScope` is not available, switch to a simple `tie()` of `%^H` * Document how to disable the `tie()` fallback * Rebuild for various clean-ups such as removal of macros, fixing dist tag for CentOS 6: * `pyserial` * `python-crypto` * `python-pyasn1` * Updated `svnmailer` to fix "`ImportError: cannot import name exceptions`" traceback using patch based on one attached to [[http://bugs.gentoo.org/209857|Gentoo Bug #209857]] ----