#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 19th August 2011 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Unbundled `perl-DateTime-Locale` and `perl-DateTime-Timezone` from `perl-DateTime` as per the Fedora versions; they're all built from their own SRPMs now * Updated `perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon` to 0.91: * Added support to the `TT2` parser for `Mojolicious` style tags * Documentation changes . I originally worked on 0.90 but there was [[CPAN:70372|a problem with test counts in t/5-extract.t]] so I sent a patch upstream, and 0.91 was promptly issued with the fix . I added `perl(Template)` ≥ 2.20 as a build requirement from F-11 onwards (the package is too old in earlier releases) for additional test coverage * Updated `perl-MIME-Types` to 1.32: * Explain how to use `MIME::Types` in `mod_perl`; when you do not read the documentation about `mod_perl`/`fork` it will work as always, but inefficiently ----