
Tuesday 23rd August 2011

Fedora Project

  • Built curl in Rawhide at the second attempt today (4 attempts altogether); similar problems to those affecting the F-14 build yesterday

  • Updated perl-Test-Spelling to 0.15 in F-16 and Rawhide:

    • Begin adding actual tests (hilariously, adding the suggested t/pod-spell.t to this dist to test itself found a typo: "stopwards")

  • I added new build requirements of perl(Test::Tester) and an English dictionary

  • Built new package perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 (1.8) for EPEL-4, EPEL-5, EPEL-6, F-14, F-15, F-16 and Rawhide

  • Updated perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel to 0.59 in EPEL-6, F-16 and Rawhide to address Bug #731907

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-Test-Spelling to 0.15 as per the Fedora version, and I also needed to add various patches to support dictionaries in older releases that didn't have all the necessary words to pass the t/pod-spell.t test, building with perl < 5.8.3 and building with Test::More < 0.88
