#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 19th September 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Data-Section-Simple` to 0.03 in F-16, Rawhide and EPEL-6: * Noted the use of `utf8` pragma * Doc typo fixes (`Util`) * Became owner of `perl-Perl6-Junction` in EPEL (EPEL-6 only at the moment) and updated it to include upstream's documentation * Became owner of `perl-Text-CSV_XS` in EPEL and updated EPEL-4, EPEL-5 and EPEL-6 to 0.85 (shedloads of fixes) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` to have `nss` select client certificates by DER ([[RedHatBugzilla:733657|Bug #733657]]) * Updated `dovecot` to 2.0.15: * `doveadm altmove`: added `-r` parameter to move mails back to primary storage * v2.0.14: index reading could have eaten a lot of memory in some situations * `doveadm index` no longer affects future caching decisions * `mbox`: fixed crash during mail delivery when mailbox didn't yet have GUID assigned to it * `zlib`+`mbox`: fetching last message from compressed mailboxes crashed * `lib-sql`: fixed load balancing and error handling when multiple hosts are used * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta` to 2.112621: * Protect tests against `PERL_(YAML|JSON)_BACKEND` settings that could cause tests to fail ([[CPAN:69979|CPAN RT#69979]]) * Updated `perl-Data-Section-Simple` to 0.03 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-File-Find-Rule` to 0.33: * Fixes the case where `name("foo(*")` hits an error with mismatched parenthesis * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.0: * Smarty 2 BC removed from codebase; use `SmartyBC.class.php` for this * Full UTF-8 compatibility with all plug-ins * Default Template Handler for handling non-exiting template files * Default Config Handler for handling non-exiting config files * Default Plugin Handler for handling non-exiting plug-in files * `{block hide}` feature when no corresponding child block is found * `{setfilter}``{/setfilter}` to apply filters to a specific block of template code * Improved Template Resource API * Improved Cache Resource API * Relative paths in template files `{include file="../header.tpl"}` * Access to specific `$template_dir` via array index * Access multiple template resources with `extends:` feature * Simple global HTML escapement option with `escape_html` property * Compile-Check on cache miss option * Automatic template recompile on Smarty upgrade * New Getters/Setters for main Smarty directory configuration ----