#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 4th October 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Mojibake` everywhere to pull in `perl(Unicode::CheckUTF8)` for an order of magnitude improvement in performance ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.2: * Remove unused properties * Optimization: use real function instead of an anonymous function for `preg_replace_callback` * Bugfix: a relative `{include}` in child template blocks failed * Bugfix: direct setting of `$template_dir`, `$config_dir`, `$plugins_dir` in `__construct()` of an extended Smarty class created problems * Bugfix: error muting was not implemented for cache locking * Removed internal `muteExpectedErrors()` calls in favour of having the implementor call this once from his application * Optimized `muteExpectedErrors()` to pass errors to the latest registered error handler, if applicable * Added `compile_dir` and `cache_dir` to list of muted directories * Improvement: better error message for undefined templates at `{include}` * Bugfix: repeated calls to the same sub-emplate did not make use of cached template object * Bugfix: possible warning "`attempt to modify property of non-object`" in `{section}` (issue #34) * Added chaining to `Smarty_Internal_Data` so `$smarty->assign('a',1)->assign('b',2);` is now possible * Bugfix: remove race condition when a custom resource changed timestamp during compilation * Bugfix: variable property did not work on object's variable in template * Bugfix: `smarty_make_timestamp()` failed to process `DateTime` objects properly * Bugfix: wrong resource could be used on compile check of custom resource * Bugfix for template functions called `nocache` calling other template functions * Improvement of `Smarty_Internal_Config::loadConfigVars()`: dropped the `in_array` for index look up * Improvement: replaced most `in_array()` calls by more efficient `isset()` on `array_flip()`ed haystacks * Improvement: replaced some `strlen($foo) > 3` calls by `isset($foo[3])` * Improvement of `Smarty_Internal_Utility::clearCompiledTemplate()`: removed redundant `strlen()`s * Improvement: add internal `$joined_template_dir` property instead of computing it on the fly several times * Updated `unrar` to 4.10 beta 1 ----