#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 18th October 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 1.46 in Rawhide: * Skip signals test on Windows ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `cdrtools` (3.01a06); this is Jörg Schilling's original code, an older version of which was forked to create `cdrkit` as used in Fedora/RHEL, but the fork isn't getting as much upstream maintenance as the original, hence the appearance of this package * Updated `bittorrent` (4.4.0) to use native `systemd` init from Fedora 15 onwards * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 1.46 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-FileHandle-Unget` (0.14), `perl-Filter`, `perl-Filter-Simple`, `perl-MailTools` (1.77), `perl-MIME-tools` (5.420), `perl-MIME-XBase64`, `perl-MooseX-NonMoose`, `perl-Params-Util`, `perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta`, `perl-Perl-Critic-More` and `perl-Perl-MinimumVersion` to fix the dist tag for CentOS 6 and Scientific Linux ----