#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 20th October 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-NetAddr-IP` to 4.049 in Rawhide: * In `Lite` v1.32: * Add capability to parse input of the form `->new6(12345,1)`; this should have been there but was missing ([[CPAN:68723|CPAN RT#68723]]) * In `Util` v1.41: * Add `inet_pton`, `inet_ntop`, `AF_INET`, `AF_INET6` * Modify `inet_n2dx` and `inet_n2ad` to recognize the new 128-bit IPv4 format `::FFFF:FFFF:0:0` * Replace `isIPv4` with a pure perl version for portability * Split the following into `NetAddr::IP::InetBase` v0.01 to provide better long-term support for IPv6: * `inet_aton` * `inet_ntoa` * `ipv6_aton` * `ipv6_n2x` * `ipv6_n2d` * `inet_any2n` * `inet_n2dx` * `inet_n2ad` * `inet_ntop` * `inet_pton` * `packzeros` * `isIPv4` * `isNewIPv4` * `isAnyIPv4` * `AF_INET` * `AF_INET6` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Net-FTPSSL` to 0.19: * If you use `SSL_Advanced`, it now writes to `STDERR` that you are using a deprecated feature * Modified `10-complex.t` and `20-certificate.t` to honour the `PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT` environment variable for the smoke testers to always use defaults, which skips executing these 2 scripts ([[CPAN:69982|CPAN RT#69982]]) * Fixed typos in POD text and some misleading comments ([[CPAN:70438|CPAN RT#70438]]) * Updated the `README` file to include comments on `t/20-certificate.t` and what changes are required before you can use it * Updated `t/20-certificate.t` to highlight the section of code that the `README` file is talking about and the initial prompt to remind the user to see the the `README` file for the needed modifications before running the test! * Updated `perl-NetAddr-IP` to 4.049 as per the Fedora version * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.4: * Bugfix: variable name typo in `{html_options}` and `{html_checkboxes}` (Issue #54) * Bugfix: `` tag created wrong output when caching enabled and the tag was in included subtemplate * Bugfix: `Smarty_CacheResource_mysql` example was missing `strtotime()` calls * Add runtime checks for not matching `{capture}`/`{/capture}` calls (Forum Topic 20120) * Add caching for config files in `Smarty_Resource` * Bugfix: disable of caching after `isCached()` call did not work (Forum Topic 20131) * Add concept `unique_resource` to combat potentially ambiguous `template_resource` values when custom resource handlers are used (Forum Topic 20128) * Bugfix: multi-line strings in config files could fail on longer strings (Issue #55) * Bugfix: `unique_resource` did not properly apply to compiled resources (Forum Topic 20128) * Add locking to custom resources (Forum Post 75252) * Add `Smarty_Internal_Template::clearCache()` to accompany `isCached()`, `fetch()` etc. * Bugfix: `Smarty_Resource` and `Smarty_CacheResource` runtime caching (Forum Post 75264) * Bugfix: `testInstall()` did not properly check `cache_dir` and `compile_dir` * Updated `unrar` to 4.10 beta 2 ----