#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 27th October 2011 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-File-Remove` to 1.51: * `END`-time deletion by `clear()` is now `fork`-safe; it will only remove paths created in the same process * Updated `perl-NetAddr-IP` to 4.053: * In `Lite.pm` v1.36: * Fix [[CPAN:71925|CPAN RT#71925]], a sub-variant of [[CPAN:62521|CPAN RT#62521]] that showed up only for short notation for IPv4, e.g. 127/n, 127.0/n, 127.0.0/n but not * Updated `perl-Variable-Magic` to 0.47: * The new constant `VMG_COMPAT_HASH_DELETE_NOUVAR_VOID` evaluates to `true` when "`delete $hash{key}`" does not call '`delete`' `uvar` magic in `void` context * The `MAGIC` tokens created by this module no longer use the `mg_private` member for storing a "magical" signature * Triggering magic in a thread on a variable cloned from the main interpreter, and when the wizard already went out of scope, will no longer segfault * The pointer table is no longer needed to ensure thread safety; the size of the object code is about 8% smaller for threaded perls * Threads tests will not fail any more if resource constraints prevent the system from creating all the required threads ----