#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 28th November 2011 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Built `perl-Class-Load-XS` (0.03) for F-16 and Rawhide (first Fedora builds) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Devel-Cycle` to fix a `Perl` 5.12 incompatibility ([[RedHatBugzilla:757274|#757274]], [[CPAN:56681|CPAN RT#56681]]) * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-INET6` to 2.68, adding a patch to fix what looks like a typo in `t/io_multihomed6.t`: * Solved symbol clashes in `t/io_multihomed6.t` ([[CPAN:72769|CPAN RT#72769]]) * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-INET6` to 2.69, where upstream incorporated my patch: * Fix the imports on `t/io_multihomed6.t` ([[CPAN:72769|CPAN RT#72769]]) * Update the link to the repository in `Build.PL` * Updated `pyserial` to 2.6: * Moved some of the examples to `serial.tools` so that they can be used with '`python -m`' * Serial port enumeration now included as '`serial.tools.list_ports`' * URL handers for '`serial_for_url`' are now imported dynamically; this allows to add protocols without editing files * New URL type: `hwgrep://` uses `list_ports` module to search for ports by their description * Several internal changes to improve `Python` 3.x compatibility (`setup.py`, use of absolute imports and more) * Calling `open()` on an already open port now raises an exception (Bug 3093882) * RFC2217 server hangs in closed loop after connection lost (Bug 3245627) * `readlines()` to support multi-character EOL (Patch 3147043) * Avoid unneeded `termios.tcsetattr` calls in `serialposix.py` (Patch 3316943) * Serial scan as a module with Mac support (Patch 2912349) * `writeTimeoutError` when write `Timeout` is 0 (Bug 3057499) * character out of range in `list_ports_windows` (Bug 3414327) * Windows 98 support fix (Patch 3036175) * RTS automatic toggle, for RS485 functionality (Patch 3054352) * Fix type definitions for 64 bit Windows compatibility ----