#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 2nd December 2011 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Version` to 1.001003-TRIAL: * Check if versions are strict * Provide `is_strict` setting to decide what to do if they aren't strict * Provide `has_version` setting to disable that a module must always have a version * Use perl decimal style semantic versioning because of bugs in `ExtUtils::MakeMaker` with `vstring` versions * Fix some issues in the pod * Use `Module::Metadata` - apparently it's closer to how Perl works than `Module::Extract::VERSION` * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.6: * Bugfix: `Smarty_Resource::load()` did not always return a proper resource handler (Forum Topic 20414) * Added `escape` argument to `html_checkboxes` and `html_radios` (Forum Topic 20425) * Bugfix: declare all directory properties private to map direct access to getter/setter also on extended Smarty class * Bugfix: cache file could include unneeded modifier plugins under certain conditions * Bugfix: a subtemplate later used as main template used old variable values * Bugfix: `{html_select_date}` and `{html_select_time}` did not default to current time if "`time`" was not specified since r4432 (Issue 60) * Bugfix: added exception if the default plugin handler returned a non-static callback (Forum Topic 20512) * Bugfix: `is_cache()` for individual cached subtemplates with `$smarty->caching = CACHING_OFF` produced an exception (Forum Topic 20531) ----