#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 8th February 2012 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Class-Load` to 0.14 in F-17 (Rawhide will inherit this build): * Use `Module::Implementation` to handle loading the `XS` or `PP` versions of the code; using this module fixes a few bugs * Under `taint` mode, setting an implementation in the `CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION` environment variable caused a `taint` error * An invalid value in the `CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION` environment variable is now detected and reported immediately; no attempt is made to load an invalid implementation . I also updated the package not to build-require `perl(Class::Load::XS)` or `perl(Pod::Coverage::Moose)` when bootstrapping so as to avoid circular build dependencies, and to not run the release tests when bootstrapping because the Pod coverage test fails in the absence of `Pod::Coverage::Moose` * Became co-maintainer of `perl-Params-Classify` in EPEL-5 and EPEL-6, and built it for EPEL-6; the EPEL-5 build needs a newer version of `perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)` ([[RedHatBugzilla:788243|Bug #788243]]) * Became owner of the orphaned `perl-Sub-Install` in EPEL-4 and EPEL-5, cleaning it up and updating it to 0.925, the latest version (packaging changes only) * My `perl-Module-Implementation` package was accepted and I built it for F-16, F-17, Rawhide and EPEL-6; an EPEL-5 build will have to wait until `perl(Module::Runtime)` is available (see below) * Built `perl-Module-Runtime` (0.011) in EPEL-6; the EPEL-5 build needs `Params::Classify`, which is not yet available as mentioned above * Updated `perl-Package-Generator` in Rawhide to not build-require `perl(Test::Perl::Critic)` when bootstrapping so as to avoid circular build dependencies ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `moin` to 1.9.4; it now requires `python` ≥ 2.5 so distributions with older `python`s cannot be upgraded * Updated `perl-Archive-Zip` to not build-require `perl(Test::MinimumVersion)` when bootstrapping so as to avoid circular build dependencies, and to tweak the fix for [[CPAN:52696|CPAN RT#52696]] to require `perl` 5.005 since `Archive::Zip` uses the `$!` variable * Updated `perl-Class-Load` to not build-require `perl(Class::Load::XS)` or `perl(Pod::Coverage::Moose)` when bootstrapping so as to avoid circular build dependencies, and to not run the release tests when bootstrapping because the Pod coverage test fails in the absence of `Pod::Coverage::Moose` * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML` to 0.007: * Documentation fix to replace missing abstract * Updated `perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse` to not build-require `perl(Test::Perl::Critic)` when bootstrapping so as to avoid circular build dependencies * Updated `perl-Module-Implementation` to incorporate feedback from its package review ([[RedHatBugzilla:788258|Bug #788258]]) * Updated `perl-Module-Metadata` to 1.000008: * Adds '`provides`' method to generate a `CPAN META provides` data structure correctly; use of `package_versions_from_directory` is discouraged * Updated `perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta` to 1.4402: * Minor maintenance: standardized newlines to Unix style * Updated `perl-PPIx-Regexp` to not build-require `perl(Test::Perl::Critic)` when bootstrapping so as to avoid circular build dependencies * Updated `perl-Pod-Coverage` to 0.22: * POD spelling corrections ([[CPAN:22113|CPAN RT#22113]]) * Add "unimport" to the stoplist ([[CPAN:33914|CPAN RT#33914]]) ----